Corporate Philosophy and Policies

Corporate Philosophy

Maintaining a path of
sustainable growth


Committed to delivering progressive
technologies for the future

Quality and Environmental Policies

A company exists for society, its customers and its employees. We pledge to be not only law-abiding in all our actions, but to also always conduct ourselves with respect for social and other relevant standards, and to pursue our businesses in the spirit of the centuries old Japanese mercantile precept of “sanpo-yoshi”. This concept calls for business to benefit the seller, the buyer, and also society. Based on this pledge, we pursue continued improvement as described below.

Quality Action Guidelines

  1. Our customers are mainly food manufacturers and food container manufacturers. As we directly receive orders from our customers for the design, production, installation and implementation of production equipment and facilities in the production lines at their plants, we develop their production lines through close communication while respecting the each customer’s unique needs and requirements. Therefore, as much as we are proud of being development engineers through and through, we conduct our work with unceasing humility and the unyielding spirit of innovation .
  2. The seeds of our development are to be found in our customers’ production sites. This is why we frequently visit these locations, observe the situations without preconceptions, and listen to the voices of our customers.
  3. Quality is for the benefit of our customers. Therefore, we consistently pursue improvements to our work so that our products and services deliver the highest quality to our customers’ satisfaction.
  4. In addition, in order for us as a technology development group to reliably deliver the quality that our customers demand, we ensure that the company’s financial structure is maintained sound and always strive to improve it.

Environmental Action Guidelines

  1. We do not provide products or services that injure people or, through environmental pollution or disruption, harm human health or hinder on the sustained development of humanity.
  2. We make every effort to minimize our consumption of resources by striving to reduce the weight of the equipment we manufacture and the facilities we construct. We design and develop our products with careful consideration for their environmental impact throughout their life cycles, with mindfulness of environmental impact from material procurement to manufacturing, assembly, marketing, sales, use, and disposal after use.
  3. We select drive and heat source equipment with environmental considerations such as reduced CO2 emissions and CFC-free specifications.
  4. We always consider ways to recycle exhaust heat generated by our equipment and facilities.
  5. We minimize on-site works to the greatest extent possible by proactively prefabricating units and components in our designated plants.
  6. We ensure to verify the energy consumption levels of delivered equipment and facilities under actual operating conditions.
  7. We promote practices to save energy, reduce resource consumption and recycle in our office activities.
  8. In addition to the above, in our plant activities, we proactively strive to prevent pollution of the global and local environment, including the reduction and proper management of waste matter and chemical substances, and continuously conduct improvements.

Occupational Safety and Health Code of Conduct

  1. Occupational health and safety takes precedence over everything. We guarantee occupational health and safety to all stakeholders and their families, including our customers, trade partners as well as ourselves (employees and officers).
  2. Occupational health and safety and environmental protection are the prerequisites for us to deliver the quality that meets our customers’ requirements.
  3. We observe our Five Don’ts Policy throughout our manufacturing and installation work sites: (1) Do not commit to life-threatening work, (2) Do not use stepladders, (3) Do not work without a license or qualification, (4) Do not work without safe platforms or scaffoldings, or (5) Do not work in poor physical condition.
  4. We strive to prevent the spread of infectious diseases (the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19)) and allow no case clusters to emerge from us.